I do believe that I just had an excellent weekend. Or week. whatever.
well. see, there was that pretty awesome concert we went to on thursday night... The Decemberists. (Shoutout to their opening act: Cass MCCombs!) Sea-shanty-like melodies, with a folky, rock edge.. which was simply amazing and filled with the adventure of them smashing the mandolyn. & me touching the lead singers feet.
And then later bartering with the British merchandise guy who gave us some pretty interesting pearls of wisdom including:
"wear it tight! i keep seein' girls buyin extra lahge boys clothin'. There was a tiny li'l girl that came in and bough' en XL! That can't be good for business, eh?"
"you'll ge' a boyfriend, if you buy this CD! and in fact, you may just get 'er boyfriend!"
"no, go ahead, ask me what i think of them decemberist records! no! this one? crap! this one? complete crap! this one? it's all shit compared to this one."
and he let us walk out with two CDs for 12 dollars and half a shirt... lol well.. allie has the other half. Oh yeah, and a giant vat of popcorn and cheez its. and plus the mandolyn player was soooper cool too.
And then on friday, i somehow managed to get out of doing or finishing my homework in time.. and at lunch, this cooool band that goes to our school, Ice Cap Fortune, had a free concert. And I got a shirt for only $5, because I'm nice and the guy was nice and I get discounts on everything...
so i went home and watched the OC, reading the American Girl catalogue, while being sent an entire Franz Ferdinand folder! by the coolest person in the entire fucking world. Then I caught a fresh new Degrassi. And HOLY SHIT. liberty's pregnant. yes. liberty. yes. pregnant.
&&& today...
Woke up at 1. spent about 6 hours listening to Franz Ferdinand's You Could Have It So Much Better. Go buy that today. THen did my one problem of geometry homework as compared to the 30 we get usually. And then I went to the Memorial High School production of Anne Frank. Which was *spectacular*! I cried through the entire thing.. and all my friends were like "Awwww... you cried?" And i just love that cast. So I was floating around until I got home.... and then my brother handed me the brand new Series of Unfortunate Events... that he was sooooo thoughtful and bought.
"Just to let you know, Chet, you're the best." I said, as Chet was patching up the Harry potter book he broke (mine, by the way).
"I try."