So I had this dream last night. I was selling things. Cereal products. With Catherine Zeta-Jones! And we have all of our stuff in these brown paper grocery bags.You know Chewy bars, Rice Krispy treats, Kashi GoLean cereal... and we're on this street in Britain, even though it looks like France, except I haven't been to France since I was a wee babe, so it was actually like 1950s movie France, (you know the same thing minus the dog crap?)and that witchy lady from The Way We Were who ended up with Robert Redford, even though it shoulda been Barbra Streisand, came over and was talking in a phony British accent. I mean she's an actress right? People have heard her talk dozens of times, so how can she fake an accent now? So I matched her accent and showed her Catherine's locket, which by the way, had a picture of herself, only blonde, in it. So witchy lady buys some Kashi GoLean cereal, thanks to my salesperson skills and the fact that I'm hanging out with Catherine Zeta-Jones.
And then suddenly I'm in India, on a similar looking street even though streets in Britain that look like France, don't really exist in India. So I see my Nani (mom's mom) there and she says "Hi," but doesn't even care about Catherine. SHe wants a Chewy bar, but Catherine finished most of the box on the off-screen plane flight and I had just eaten the last one, so I compensated by giving her a Rice Krispy Treat. Then Chet woke me up.
Clearly, I am going to have go into a TV-free meditation before I go to sleep.
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