Dark Side of the Moon
Pink Floyd
Capitol Records
I am listening to this amazing song at the moment of the album mentioned above. If you haven't heard of it, Dark Side of the Moon, is the legendary must-have Pink Floyd album that still takes the mind and mood of any real music enthusiast by storm. I mean how genius is it to make a slow tempo, mainly instrumental album with long songs? Incredibly genius, because every moment of this album feels so expertly crafted.
So anyway, the two tracks that are singing my heart out at the moment are Time and Money. That is they are my situational heart singers. The other songs identify with me on an emotional level as well.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, you fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown, waiting for someone or something to show you the way.
Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain. You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day, you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
Time, at this moment, is expressing the fact that I'm wasting mine away. That before long it will all have run out and that I'm gonna need it for all the goals I have set. The time to act is now. Cuz my schedule's pretty empty at the moment. See the thing is, since my drama camp is over, I need to think of a way to fill my time. That's easy. Music. Write some songs. Wait, you can't write any of the songs you want without a guitar. Okay then, get some of those guitar lessons, practice and read articles. Hone your craft, listen to as much music as possible. But then there's this thing. I have no resources. I have no money. Which is where the song, Money, comes in.
Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're OK
Money. It's a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
What's that? Oh yeah. To get money, you need a job, since your parents aren't handing it out much anymore. We're trying to save money for the new house. So none of this unneccessary bullshit like music. And not to mention, saving for college. Because I'm not sticking my parents with that bill. And I did just spend my last ten bucks at the movies... I was so hungry that I needed some pretzels. Damn.
So naturally, I'm filling out applications. But it's HARD. I mean, let's just think, teenage girl, willing to work hard and for many hours for the bright light that is minimum wage. You'd jump at that opportunity, huh? I mean, I'm an artist, a bohemian, a rocker, a dramaqueen, whatever. I don't ask for much. I'm a good, honest, hardworking, smart, friendly, cute person. I could sell coffee. I could ask people what kind of cheese they want on their noodles? Open up a bottle of Izze...
But no, wait am I old enough? Come on. I'm fourteen. Can't you see mature young adult? I'm worldly. I've been to India and England and France (though I was a baby at that time). I have a lot of knowledge or at least a little of all of the artists they play at Starbucks. Oh, oh, ask me how many congresspersons there are. Ask me what bicameral means. I know lots of dirty jokes!
References? Oh come on, I get straight As. I won the spelling bee. What more do you need to know?
Previous Work Experience? I'm a great babysitter. I have a license. Plus I can do CPR, heimlich too, and on babies.
I know all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody, all the lyrics to Revolver, my brain is overflowing with pop culture references, I have an extensive vocabulary. I can almost speak fluently in four languages plus Pig Latin, I have good people skills, I make good first impressions (it's actually second impressions I worry about), I'm a good memorizer, I can lick ice cream off my chin, I have great handwriting...
The lunatic is in the hall. The lunatics are in my hall. The paper holds their folded faces to the floor and every day the paper boy brings more.
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon and if there is no room upon the hill and if your head explodes with dark forbodings too, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
Thinking about this for too long is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Probably owing to some phlegm or something. Eww. Sorry. I can feel my inner frustrations brimming until I guess I'll burn out and have to do something. I find it so difficult to believe that I actually have an unbelievable amount of self control. If I had been born with less, I may have been able to live life more peaceably. I want to let go so badly.
So what's going to fill my day tomorrow...
--> I'm going to listen to every album in my collection and pick out the ones that are going to Halfprice books.
--> I'm going to do something healthy and get out of the house in the process.
--> Pick out books that should go to halfprice books as well.
--> Visualize the reality that I want and make small but real changes to my lifestyle in order to get to that reality and dispose of this forboding reality.
--> Write on this blog.
--> Clean the clutter on the hard drive.
--> Find some way to get iPod to stop fucking up.
--> Make some contact with the outside, corporate, public world.
--> Call one of those friends that you haven't talked to in weeks. Because they said they'd hang with you over the summer, and you are going to make them feel like they won't be able to live without you.
--> Listen to all those songs that you clearly don't listen to enough. Pretend the Who, Queen and the Strokes don't exist for at least a day.
--> Call a relative.
--> Practice your art.
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