Saturday, July 10, 2010

there are some things that should not be important.

these things:
-where you lie on the gradient of complexion color
-religion of lineage
-giving or taking of 15 pounds of body weight
-how many cavities someone has
-waist to hip ratio

things that are important:
-ability to make you laugh
-willingness to stay up late and/or wake up at a weird time just to talk to you when you're sad and have things to say that may or may not disappoint the listener
-loving the same songs as you
-sporcle skill
-letting you be yourself and loving you because of it, not in spite of it
-knowing you so well, just knowing what's up without having to ask you about it, sometimes telling you what's up even though you don't want to admit it a la that scene in hercules where meg won't say she's in love
-your cute nose
-street smarts & heart smarts

fuck anyone who says otherwise.

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