We all have desperate moments. Sometimes I'm desperate for the printer to work, sometimes I'm desperate for a cup of coffee or a shower or to listen to a song I really like.
Barring all sketchy situations that no one wants to ponder, desperation is barely ever attractive.
This is not to say that we don't all have feelings of desperation. Desperation is probably an okay thing, because it's a reflection of our want for something, perhaps our willingness to go out of our way. When you want something badly enough, you are willing to do incredible things, and that is great.
But it's all about your reaction.
Most of the time, even if you are desperate, acting desperate is not the way to get what you want.
When self respect < desire, then we have a big problem.
This goes for when someone has a crush and lets the fact that someone doesn't pay a lot of attention to him/her negatively impact his/her self-esteem, because for some reason they feel that that person is more of an authority on what's cool and what's worth time.
Maybe if someone makes you feel stupid or awkward, maybe there's something wrong with that someone. Or maybe you're not approaching the situation the right way. Maybe you're hoping for too much.
I tend to hold the perspective that the more you dwell on these feelings of desperation, the more apt you are to succumb to them. I hate hearing things that sound like, "S/he could never like me."
Then, why do we have to talk about it? It's not productive. If you really feel that way about yourself, it's not going to change if he does like you.
Why not say "Should I like this person? Is this a good investment of my energy? Why do I feel this way?"
If there's something you feel is wrong with you, combat it or forget it; don't think that someone's affection will solve your issue with yourself. Take a second, and think about why you're attracted to someone. If it's not about looks, it might have something to do with the way that person approaches life. Can you learn something from them?
Rant over.
Hi, my name is Twilightfan33878, and I have a crush on Edward Cullens, but I don't know how to get him to like me. I have a lot of self esteem and I always try to think that I'm good enough for him but for some reason he's really into this other girl named Bella and sometimes I think maybe if I kill Bella and become a vampire I can get Edward Cullens to fall in love with me do you think this is possible?????
Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I hope that twilightfan is kidding.
that is all.
It takes a lot of self control to tell yourself to stop crushin on someone you think is the ultimate, at least more than I posses
And wtf is up with twilightfan, something tells me they're not joking
they totally are, look at their profile.
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