Saturday, January 14, 2006

I have the best father in the world.
He's so brave. He can watch his own father die... Declare him to be medically dead and break it to the rest of his family. He could clean up his own father's body and make funeral arrangements. He's just so calm. He's not depressed over his death.. He knew it was time. I don't know how he does it.


Anonymous said...

Searching through the search engine to see how many peeps have the same name as me...You're one of them! That's sooo awesome!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your dada...I lost mine when I was 1, so I don't remember anything about him...Sometimes wish I could have gotten to know him...

This lost feeling that you feel...I know what it feels like...I've been down that road...and every once in a while, I still visit it...All I know is that calling India all the time can be both expensive and not always possible...Time Zones, availability of the other person back home...All I can say is that it REALLY HELPS if you can find someone that you can depend on to vent things out with...Someone besides family...Someone that doesn't know much of you yet...This way you can talk things through without them judging you on the issue right away...They have to know the full story before they can judge. I know I am SOOO greatful I have someone I can just talk to whenever I want...I learned to love this person with all i've got...

Anyway, I talk a lot...If you ever just wanna vent something or wanna "send something out to no one in particular," you can e-mail me...


RS said...

Not all people age gracefuly.
Your father seems to be one who does. Being wise is not a general virtue amongst older people than ourselves, it takes more than getting older to get wiser.
It takes a heart.
And a strong mind.
One goes with the other.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

lol..ok is this freaky or is this names aarushi as well...hehe...i guess all anonymous' look for the same name...n ya..even i searched on a search engine..hey n i havent got ne experience of 15, i suppose i dont look for it..or get it much, but i do know others who do..and everytime i think abt it, i feel like thanking god. theres a saying "losing ur heart's desire is a tragedy..gaining it is a tragedy as well"..btw i got that from one tree hill...dunno if u watch the show...neway..if u wanna get in touch u can visit my blog at
i share this blog with a frnd...n i havent written much since forever...but hey..u can leave a comment if u wanna...
ps. im so vela