Friday, December 25, 2009

Life Lessons from the naughtiest Stroke

I love the music video "11th Dimension" off of Julian Casablancas' solo debut "Phrazes for the Young." This song/video seems to talk straight to a young me.
I think it is very reflective of real life thought processes, which is weird because it's so trippy. I really want to be able to make something artistic like this in my life.

I think he's singing about our reactions in life, and how we can choose the way we react more than we can have control over what happens. As he coos "forgive them, even if they are not sorry," I am reminded of all that I have not yet let go.
Yes, there are mean people and bad people in the world, but it is us who are hurt if we allow ourselves to give into those impulses and not forgive.

Sin is valuing desire over what you know is right.
Anger is weakness, Patience is Strength.
Every positive action has a reward.


becca said...

Maybe it's the two in the morning speaking to me, but I think he has it right. I really do. I wish I could think up such deep life thoughts and put them to catchy synth-rock rhythms, or even think of them coherently to begin with. Also, the effects in the video are quite cool, I appreciated the use and contrast of dark and brightness. This song suits you, Aarushi. If you were a song, you might be this one. I can't say for sure because I have yet to hear all the songs on earth, but it sounds about right for now.

Jason said...

becca, if i were a song, what would i be?