What I wanted to accomplish today:
-finish Geog readings
-write proposal for Honors project for Geography
-write French project, and study for French Test
-go to Sex Honors thing and successfully not make a fool of myself
-get back on track with seed planting and transplanting at work
What I accomplished today:
-read exactly one paragraph of Geog readings
-decided on tentative Honors research paper topic after not being able to find Volunteer work through the bureaucracy that is WISPIRG
-thought about doing French Project and made a word doc with an outline that I need to fill with content, and failed to study for test
-kind of made a fool of myself at sex honors thing but it was probably okay because I sounded like I was prepared and hopefully charmed professor
-did not get back on track with seed planting but got closer to track and wrote a plan for the next two days of lab work
-ran down my laptop battery while unproductive at Rheta's for several hours accompanied by two bromancing bandmates, one of whom is my boyfriend
-went to the wrong place at the wrong time for a meeting I wasn't destined to make
-ran down cell phone battery
-almost lost tooth paste in a restaurant style booth
-made valentines day plans
-had lunch with Gina
-made this blog entry which is nothing in comparison to blog entry i wrote on monday which got deleted by God and the little moles who crawl through the browsers on the law library's public computers.
love the new layout! it's schick. i'm happy one of us is semi-productive. I'm dying over here.
you failed to mention that the tube of toothpaste was actually lost inside the seat of the booth which is like a giant supposedly sealed shut box and just shouldn't happen. and your darling boyfriend/bromancer picked it back up for you.
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