Tuesday, May 25, 2010

no thank you for the music

it's safe to say I've been in a musical rut for about a month now.

the moment i turn my back on music for like two weeks, i'm uninspired again.

the problem is that i'm being too discriminatory with my music and only listening to music i know i like, but as a result, i'm not consuming in depth.

and now i'm making a mix CD and worried that it sounds bad, when making good mixes is usually just instinctual for me.

usually, each mix is one of songs i know the person will like generally plus some songs that are kind of similar to their taste so I'm pretty sure they'll like them and then some that are just all around good, so there's a high chance the person will enjoy them.

today though, i'm mad at myself so i started off making the mix with some "other" music - the stuff that i haven't been listening to that much, which can have positive but also disastrous results.

so i stuck on a bunch of standbys which will probably be pretty successful, but this CD has not been a fun learning experience for me as i hoped it might be.

areas of musical regret:
-not listening to hazards of love- the decemberists enough because it's overproduced and i end up turning it off.

-not listening to contra- vampire weekend in its entirety because i just love vampire weekend (self-titled) too much not to listen to it whenever i listen to vampire weekend.

-not listening to viva la vida.

i think that you guys can sense the pattern here. in general, i tend to get distracted and rush toward familiar, comfort music. this is VERY bad.

the few of you who read this: do you have any musical suggestions? i don't want music that i have to work to get into, i want music that's immediately infectious and likeable.

unfortunately, i'm also in a fashion rut. =(

1 comment:

Jason said...

i think you're stressing too much...again.