Saturday, May 01, 2010

Things I did today in backwards order

Because it's my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. Screw everyone else.

-Started making this post

-Heard an ambulance

-Began talking to Becca about feelings among other things

-Told Ramona I can't hang out because my parents are coming to pick me up soon

-Started editing my Harvard friend's paper for her film class about Silence of the Lambs

-thought maybe I should start my 15 page paper due next Friday

-opened my computer

-sat down (more aptly, I plopped down because I am lazy)

-got back to my dorm with a Za's smoothie (an impulse purchase)

-Meredith told me she likes my jeans; ditched my friends who were going to see a movie at the Union because my family was coming to pick me up. It's been 2 hours.

-got a smoothie from Mia Za's after Jamba Juice was closed and I for some reason really wanted to go there even though it wasn't the best decision; saw Harry and Jiwon at Jamba Juice with a bunch of people I don't know

-ate dinner on the square with Gina, Fangfei, Jessica, Meredith and Amanda and Amanda's boyfriend who is cool but whose name I forgot (Ryan?)

-realized it was one of those restaurants where you have to get your silverware in advance, pay in advance, and pour your own water and was generally confused because it seemed like a nice place

-ran down state street, iPod in hand, avoided drunk morons, ran into Conor Murphy, talked to Gina a total of four times to get to a place that I still walked directly past even though my friends called my name and waved at me to come over.  Also, explained to some elderly couple and their lumberjack chic wearing grand/son "what exactly Mifflin is"

-left my dorm looking less sexy than I found it.

-watched a lot of TV (Parks and Recreation ftw); poured soul out to Abi on gchat (Abi is such a good friend); had awkward fleeting thoughts; felt stupid in general for being stupid; lamented the fact that I'm not interesting but still feel self-important in some way or another even though I don't have a fridge that works and I get full too easily and I'm perpetually falling asleep, and I don't have an effect on people; and I'm just too transparent all the time.

-got back from Jason's orchestra concert feeling listless after two or three strangely crowded, awkward goodbyes

-ran into Shaina (Becca's cousin) and Spencer

-watched boring-er second half of concert (which was boring-er despite the presence of an oboe and a person who looked weirdly like my boss who had white and black streaked hair that seemed too perfectly proportional not to have been dyed that color) except Swan Lake was cool and Scott found an "androgynous" looking girl.

-watched Jason's part of the orchestra concert which was condescendingly called "Orchestra Too!" Found interesting looking people to stare at, and acted like a complete n00b by accidentally clapping after a movement of a piece because I got too excited. But all their pieces were really good!

-met Scott outside and realized my being deep-in-thought and walking in the wrong direction and stuff is not conducive to not getting injured

-got ready to go to Jason's concert, considered wearing same clothes I was wearing yesterday. Decided against; put all my clothes into a big basket that I will use to lug all of my clothing I don't want to look at anymore home; watched television.

-took a shower.

-got back to my dorm, updated iPod, made playlists, "rented" a documentary to watch for my paper from iTunes store, made a blog entry, "thought about" paper

-ate lunch with Jason; tater tots that David made, ate off of Jason's med cafe plate; a cup of tea

-signed the lease on my new apartment after viewing it, talking it over and going to the bank with Emily; introduced Emily to David. They liked each other because they're both really into Chinese and being it.

-woke up, watched youtube videos.

All in all, pretty productive day.


becca said...

i like this post and it sounds like you had a lot of action in your day.

Jason said...

becca, you would like backwards things.

yeah, the other orchestra kind of suffered from boring pieces, especially the trumpet thing which was unfortunate because usually trumpet solos are really cool, at least when they're written by persichetti like ours was.

and apparently that air+simple gifts thing was played at obama's inauguration which surprised me because i hated that piece when we tried it out. it was both really hard to play (for a n00b bassist at least) and not that fact it kind of just sounds like an orchestra tuning itself.

where did you eat dinner? haha i love your mifflin story! i had to explain it to my parents as well..."ohh! that's why there's an unusually large amount of trash on state street today!" also we were at red mango and overheard this: "i'm SO hungry! i didn't eat anything today except for that egg sandwich and beer."